Logo, MavensOnline - Educational Webinars

Phoenix, Arizona
Upcoming Webinars

We’ve worked hard to put together an informative, entertaining series of educational webinars for you. MavensOnline in Phoenix, Arizona, is dedicated to helping everyone understand the important things in our lives. Please contact us if you would like to suggest a webinar on a special topic.

Small Miracles from Beyond

Learn about dreams, visions, and signs that link us to the deceased on the other side.

Organizing Your Home

Learn how to decrease your clutter and stay organized room iby room.

Shabbas Cooking

Special Shabbas meals help us celebrate Friday night dinner and Saturday lunch and dinner.   Learn new recipes  and techniques for these delicious meals. Registering for this webinar includes downloadable recipes so that you can start your own Shabbas cookbook. Included in this course are step-by-step directions with explanation of any techniques used making this course appropriate for both novice and seasoned cooks.   All recipes will include only kosher ingredients.

Lifestyle Events

These webinars will discuss the Jewish life cycle events from birth through death. 

Torah Topics

You will learn different topics in Torah.  We’ll also discuss the thoughts of famous commentators, and learn to understand the meaning to your life today.

Burial and Death

Find out the halacha for death and burial in this webinar series.   Learn why Jews don't believe in creamation and why it is not even environmentally friendly as its proponents would like you to believe.

Keeping Kosher

Learn the how's and why's of keeping kosher and a step-by-step approach to keeping kosher.

Going Organic

Our Going Organic webinars will teach you the important concepts of eating organic and how to improve your nutritional habits by changing a few things in the way you eat. Very nutririous recipes will be included.


Our photography webinars will cover use of the DSLR camera. You’ll learn the basics and get to know your camera so that you can use more than just the auto mode. You'll learn various techniques that will improve your portrait, landscape, night, and even macro photography. Weekly assignments will also be given to give you hands on learning with the class instruction.


This covers basic sewing skills, such as how to use a machine and how to make clothing repairs, how to follow a pattern and make a few things that don't even need a pattern.  If you’re looking to learn the basics, this is a great place to do it.

 . . . and more to be developed

Contact us with your ideas.

Contact us to learn more about enrolling in or teaching a webinars.